Zoom in on the Halal Metropolis

Join us as we Zoom in on the Halal Metropolis to take a closer look at how the Muslim communities of SE Michigan are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow along as we continually update our list!

You can watch a summary of the Zoom In videos on our Youtube Channel.


Sam Abbas and Zane Makki - Healthy Delicious
Umaima Abbasi - From a Public Health Researcher
Diana Abouali - Arts and Culture Move Online
Ahmad Abuznaid - Yalla Count Me In
Haaris Ahmad - Checking in on the Western Suburbs
Jaleelah Ahmad - Schooling in Place
Muzammil Ahmed - Frontline in the Pandemic
Shiraz Ahmed - Covid Diaries from WDET
Abraham Aiyash - Checking in on Hamtramck
Nada Al-Hanouti - Get out the Muslim Vote
Hajer Alchalabi - Graduating into a Pandemic
Ibrahim Alhasbani - New Business on the Margins
Nabeeha Ali - Keeping Hope Alive
Shaykh Mohamed Almasmari - Ramadaning in Place
Petra Alsoofi - Facts over Fiction
Abbas Ammar - Business on the Margins
Tazeen Ayub and Ismael Dhul-Qarnayn: Divine Providence - Musical Musings
Abubakir Baban - In the Line of Fire
Sam Baydoun - Generosity of Spirit
Najah Bazzy - Generosity on the Frontline
Rashid Beydoun - The Show Goes Online
Chris Abdur-Rahman Blauvelt - Launching the Ramadan Challenge
Arif Bokhari - Life without the Barbershop
Hassan Chami - Suhoorfest Goes Quiet
Ahmad Chebbani - Relief for Small Businesses
Kafani Cisse - Recovery Chronicles
Mark Crain - Faith in Activism
Martin Curran - Keeping it Creative
Susan Dabaja - Checking in on Dearborn
Hussein Dabajeh - A Garage Goes Quiet
Ghida Dagher - The View from Lansing
Zarinah El-Amin - Arts and Culture Move Online
Rana Elmir - Our Rights Still Matter
Imam Steve Elturk - Fasting in Place
Amad Elzayat - No Family Unfed
Maha Freij - Serving Those in Need
Al Haidous - Checking In on Wayne County
Abdullah Hammoud - Representing Corona
Bilal Hammoud - Redistricting Matters!
Iltefat Hamzavi - Innovating on the Frontline
Munir Hanifa - Food Distribution and Community Solidarity
Bilal Harb - The Frontline of the Pandemic
Zaineb Hussein - Fair Elections in 2020
Mohamed Jaafar - No Rest for Filmmakers
Abdallah Jasim - Comedy Now!
Rahaf Khatib - Maintaining Fitness
Ibtihal Makki - Student Life Interrupted
Tasneem Maryum - Adaptive Art
Mohammad Mattar - Muslim Leadership Right Now
Dana Mohammad - Domestic Violence in Quarantine
Khadega Mohammed - Reflections this Ramadan
Youssef Mosallam - Schooling in Place
Zeinab Musa - Life Saving Work
Bisma Parvez - Tiktok and Journalism
Endi Poskovic - Artist in a Time of Crisis
Kamal Rahman - Checking in on Hamtramck
Nargis Rahman - Reporting on the Frontline
Amanda Saab - Halal Food Amidst the Corona Chaos
Sameerah Saadiq - Eid Cruise
Dr. Saba Maroof - Good Mental Health
Fred Sareini - Food in the Time of Corona
Nabeel Shahzad - A Free Health Clinic Responds
Hasan Shanawani - Life in the Virtual ICU
Nada Shatila - Ramadan Comeback!
Hassan Sheikh - Supporting Businesses in Dearborn
Sumaiya Ahmed Sheikh - Community Organizing
Mamnoon Siddiqui - Mosque Opens in Chaotic Times
Rashida Tlaib - Water is a Human Right!
Dawud Walid - Keeping the Faith
Malak Wazne-Fadlallah - Through the Camera Lens
Janan Wutwut - Graduating into a Crisis
Hanan Yahya - Hello Neighbor, Detroit!
Zaki Yusef - Fitness during Corona and Ramadan


Mouhanad Hammami - Wayne County Public Health Hero Abdulkarim Sharif - Keeping virtual campus life alive Hajjah Kecia Escoe - Hope after hard times Jenna Chami - Public Health Now! Fatima Al-Rasool - Graduating into a pandemic Mariam Khachiche - Medically Accessible Hijabs! Sameerah Sadiqq - Child Care during the pandemic Dawud Walid - Expanding the Civil Rights Agenda Fayrouz Saad - Immigrants are Welcome Here! Rashida Tlaib - Making Change Happen in Detroit Sam Beydoun - The Vaccine is Coming! Afeefeh Seblini - A year of learning virtually Niveen Elder - Public Health Now! Rae - Tik Tok Times Khalipha Kane - The Business of Food Rana Elmir - Restorative Migration Lena Hakim - Studying in Place Eman Ahmad - Getting Back to School Mahdi Sisters - Family and Community Youssef Mosallam - Reaching and supporting every student Zahir Janmohamad - Storytelling During the Pandemic Mike Sareini - Local Government Matters! Mohamed Sohoubah - Fighting Covid on Many Fronts Dr. Kalandra Cook-Goff - Boosting the Immune System Now Riham Ayoub - Earned Income Tax Credit Dr. Khurshid Qureshi - Mobilizing Innovation Lama Ahmad - The Fight Against Misinformation Ahmad Alkaabi - Representing Dearborn Khadijah Jammeh - Reaching Goals during COVID-19 Mona Makki - Addressing COVID-19 Disparities Rasheed Alnozili - The News Must Go On Mahasin Mahdi - Family Experience of Recovery Manal Hammoud - Student Success in 2021 Madiha Tariq - Shifting Research Agendas Fanta Doumbia - Mental Health and Worklife Khalil Othman - Running for Dearborn City Council Laterry Mohsin - Socially Distanced Sewing Instructor Camila Mallad - Navigating Dental School Hatem Aleidaroos - Opening a Coffee Shop During the Pandemic Sufian Nabhan - Ramadan Lights Up 2021!